
5300.3: Bullying

5300.3: Bullying holly Thu, 07/11/2019 - 10:57

I. Bullying Prohibited.ÌıBullying disrupts a school’s ability to educate students, threatens public safety by creating an atmosphere in which such behavior can escalate into violence, and is prohibited by 5400.6(II) (J) of the District’s Standards for Student Conduct.

II. Bullying Prevention and Education.ÌıIn addition to prohibiting bullying in the District’s Standards for Student Conduct, the District will adopt an age appropriate developmentally based bullying prevention and education program, which includes in its scope the legal, social, health, and discipline consequences of bullying and provides information and techniques for the resistance and reporting of bullying. The program shall be for all students in all grades of the schools operated and served by the District from the early childhood level through grade twelve (12).

III. Bullying Defined.ÌıBullying means any ongoing intentionally hostile or offensive verbal, written, graphic, demonstrative, electronic, or physical act used by a student or student(s) against another student or student(s) that has the purpose of exerting domination over another student through the act of intimidating, frightening, oppressing, retaliating, or adversely controlling the student, and that is disruptive of the educational process or any ongoing pattern of physical, verbal, written, graphic, demonstrative or electronic abuse, on District property, in a vehicle owned, leased, or contracted by a school being used for a school purpose by a school employee or his or her designee, or at a school-sponsored activity or athletic event, or any other place where the governing law permits the District to discipline students for prohibited conduct. This may include, but is not limited to, verbal, graphic, written or electronic activities such as name-calling, taunting, blackmailing, inciting to fight, terrorizing, threatening, or physical or demonstrative activities such as poking, blocking or impeding, following, hair pulling, mock hitting motions, intentionally bumping, tripping, and damaging clothing.Ìı

IV. Annual Review.ÌıThe District’s administration shall review this Rule annually in conjunction with the annual review of District Rule 5400.6.

Date of Adoption
February 2, 2009
Date of Revision
June 1, 2015
March 15, 2021
December 5, 2016
May 21, 2018
March 2, 2020
January 9, 2023