
5550.1: Open/Closed Campus

5550.1: Open/Closed Campus holly Thu, 07/11/2019 - 15:22

I. Students who are enrolled and attending school within the District are required to attend school each day from the beginning of the school day until the end of the school day unless otherwise excused as provided by law or District Policy or Rule. 

“Open Campus” as used herein shall refer to those school buildings wherein those students attending school within the District may be permitted to leave the school grounds during the school day. 

II. Elementary and Middle Schools 

A. Elementary and middle school students will not be permitted to leave school during the school day unless they have permission for an excused absence for all or part of the school day from the school principal or principal's designee as provided in District Policy or Rule. 

B. Parents or guardians of elementary or middle school students may request that their child be permitted to leave school for lunch. Such request must be written and submitted to the school principal or the principal’s designee, and such request will normally be granted if the student is able to leave and return to school without missing any class time. 

III. High Schools 

A. Ninth and Tenth Grades. Campuses for ninth and tenth grades are closed, and students will not be permitted to leave school during the school day unless they have permission for an excused absence for all or part of the school day from the school principal or principal's designee as provided in District Policy or Rule. 

B. Eleventh Grade. Modified Open Campus at Lunch Privileges. Eleventh grade students in good standing who have the written consent of their parents or guardians may leave the school grounds during their lunch period only. Such students must remain at school during all other time periods during the school day unless they have permission for an excused absence for all or part of the school day from the school principal or principal's designee as provided in District Policy or Rule.

Good standing is defined as maintaining passing grades in all courses and attending school for 90% or more of the school days available in a quarter.

Modified Open Campus Privileges may be revoked by the building principal or designee at any time for excessive tardies, absences, or behavior infractions.

Eleventh grade students enrolled in a Blended Learning Course who have the written consent of their parents or guardians and who maintain above average standing in the course (defined as above an 85% or higher in the course) may leave the school grounds during the Blended Learning Course period(s) only on days when they are not required by the teacher to be in a face-to-face

C. Twelfth Grade. Open Campus Privileges. Twelfth grade students who have the written consent of their parents or guardians may leave the school grounds during time periods when they have no classes scheduled, including lunch periods. Such students must remain at school during all other time periods during the school day unless they have permission for an excused absence for all or part of the school day from the school principal or principal's designee as provided in District Policy or Rule. Seniors must take a minimum of four classes (two block periods) each semester. 

Open Campus Privileges may be revoked by the building principal or designee at any time for excessive tardies, absences, or behavior infractions.

D. Part-time Students (students who have completed a four-year cycle). Part-time students will develop a schedule with the building principal to meet their remaining graduation requirements. 

E. Parents' Revocation. Parents or guardians of twelfth grade students may revoke their written consent permitting students to leave school at any time. 

IV. Parental Request for Student Absence. Parents or guardians may make a written request to the school principal or principal's designee to allow a student to leave school if there are unusual circumstances that would justify a student leaving school. 

V. Disciplinary Action. Upon the recommendation of the administration, the District may initiate the suspension and expulsion procedures set forth in District Rule if a student violates the provisions of this Rule.

Date of Adoption
December 20, 1993
Date of Revision
March 16, 1998
April 24, 2000
July 15, 2001
February 6, 2017
January 20, 2020
May 17, 2021
September 25, 2023
June 1, 2009